With the average price of gas reaching $3.00 in 2015, filling up your tank isn’t nearly as affordable as it once was. However, by following these 5 tips, you won’t feel as cheated every time to head to the gas station, and you could save upwards of $500 per year.
1. Dig for Deals
While driving around town, keep an eye out for gas stations with the most affordable price – even if you only need half a tank, consider topping off to save a few bucks. Also, do a little research or asking around about deals in town. For example, food chain stores like Safeway, Kroger and more offer gas rewards just for shopping at their stores. Try to find loyalty based gas rewards in your area.
2. Drive Responsibly
We’ve all been there: late for a meeting, swerving lanes and speeding through town like James Bond before screeching to a halt in your parking space. While driving crazy may have saved you time, it caused you to use a lot of gas. When on the road, drive responsibly: break slowly, accelerate lightly and try to drive as smoothly as possible.
3. Buy Early, Buy Late
The warmer the gas, the less dense it becomes, meaning that you’ll need more to fill up your tank. By purchasing gas in the morning or in the evening when the temperature is cool, you’ll get denser gas for a cheaper price.
4. Carpool is Cool
Though you may love having that “alone time” in your car, you’re driving more frequently than those who carpool. Save money and gas by teaming up with friends or coworkers on your way to work or an activity. Smartphone apps, like Carticipate, allow you to connect with other carpoolers.
5. Mind Your Maintenance
Keeping your car in good shape is one of the most reliable ways to save money. Ensure your tires are properly inflated, you have plenty of gas and your oil levels are adequate before hitting the road. Lastly, be sure you have clean air filters, as this can improve your gas mileage nearly 7 percent.
For more tips on saving money at the pump, or to learn more about how to take proper care of your car with auto insurance, visit Insurance Center Associates, today.