Wow! Thank you for showing your Thanks by Giving, during our ICA Gives - Thanksgiving campaign! As promised, we doubled your contributions and with your help donated $5,120 to Toberman Neighborhood Center!.
Your support helped us reach 875 individuals over the Thanksgiving holiday, and will also assist the children during Christmas as well, many who’s faces you can see on the picture we took after I presented our combined contribution.
One reason we’re so passionate about Toberman is the multi-faceted programs they provide. I particularly love their “Provide a hand up – Not a hand out” approach.
In fact, a secret be known, as a testament to Toberman’s success two of our best employees are “Toberman Kids”! To this day they each credit Toberman’s programs, which help allow them to overcome negative “street life” surroundings, compete their schooling, and become great adults, with fantastic families, and great contributing members of our community, church, and our agency.
Once again heartfelt Thanks! By joining us in this challenge, YOU have helped kids in our community find a pathway out of poverty.
I hope you will keep Toberman in your minds, throughout the year, and as well as next year when we hope to raise even more!