School is already back in session, but it’s not too late to talk about helping your child stay healthy and prepared to learn each day.
To ensure your child makes the most of her day, consider these back to school health tips.
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
It can be difficult to put your child to bed early (especially if the sun is still up), but she needs at least 10 hours of sleep each night in order to be fully rested. Develop a routine—such as brushing teeth, a small drink of water, and a bedtime story—to help your child prepare for sleep and to prevent a struggle.
Have Your Child Start with a Healthy Breakfast
A sugary breakfast isn’t any better (and probably worse) than no breakfast at all. Include healthy choices like whole grains, fruits, vegetable, and a dairy product; and skip those sugary cereals completely.
Try to Make Sure Lunch is Healthy, Too
Many schools are offering healthy lunches (unlike the heavily-processed school lunch you probably remember from your childhood). If your child’s school doesn’t have a healthy lunch program, get involved and help get one started. Or pack a healthy lunch from home.
Don’t Count on Your Kid Getting Enough Exercise at School
Children spend most of the day sitting down at their desks. Of course, there’s gym and recess, but kids should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. That seems like a lot, but if you factor in the exercise they do get at school, an additional 30 minutes after school should be enough.
After-school sports are great, so is letting your child play outside when she gets home. Just make sure to have plenty of water breaks.
You and your school-aged kids are going through a wonderful time in your lives. Just remember, making healthy choices doesn’t have to be a chore—it can be fun!