As the title might suggest, an easy way to help save you money simply involves using less energy. While you can still enjoy the benefits of modern conveniences, doing so in an energy-conscious fashion will make that utility bill a lot more attractive. Look over these pointers to start saving.
Use Your Thermostat Correctly
Instead of fiddling with your thermostat on a daily basis, establish comfortable, yet realistic temperature settings for the season. The Department of Energy recommends a furnace setting of 68 degrees and an air conditioner setting of 74 degrees to adequately reduce energy costs.
Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs
If you are using incandescent light bulbs, switch to compact fluorescents. These energy-savers use only 33% of the energy used by incandescent lights, but last up to 10 times as long. Also, regardless of bulb type, make it a habit to turn off the lights once you leave a room.
Use Less Water
Remember those 45 minute showers you take on Saturdays? Well in addition to wasting the world’s most precious resource, using excessive amounts of water can run up your utility bills. If you find yourself using a lot of water, consider installing low-flow fixtures, which will help conserve water while using the shower or the sink.
Technologies that make life more convenient are a huge benefit, but not using them responsibly can harm the environment and cost a lot of money. Take these simple steps to ensure you’re comfortable both physically and fiscally.
photo credit: “Caveman Chuck” Coker via photopin cc
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