Have you noticed your car insurance rates steadily increase as the years go by? Whether this is a result of your age, your car type, or your driving record, you are one of many. Luckily, there are several things individuals can do to lower the cost of their monthly auto insurance rates, even after they have already secured a policy. Read on for more details.
Invest in Safety and Security Features
As with homeowners’ insurance, many carriers offer lower rates to those who are willing to invest in the safety and security of their vehicles. Features that may help to lower automobile insurance rates include anti-lock brakes, air bags, automatic seat belts, and other passive restraint options. Together, these features lead your insurance provider to believe that you are a low-risk candidate—as such, they are more willing to provide you with premium discounts.
Bundle Your Policies
When it comes time to renew your policy, talk to your insurance agent about adding on an additional plan. Most insurance companies will offer discounts to individuals who purchase homeowners’ or life insurance alongside their car insurance, as an incentive to secure more business.
For further advice on what you can do to keep your car insurance rates low, contact the experts at Insurance Center Associates. We have convenient office locations in San Pedro and Torrance CA, serving the South Bay area of Los Angeles. But that’s not the limit of our service area. We are also equipped to handle your insurance needs in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Georgia, Nevada, Ohio, Texas, Utah, and Washington, and we’re growing more and more each year. Contact us today for a free quote at 800-649-3101.